Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being Thankful...

With this past Thursday being Thanksgiving Day, I have seen and heard people making comments and/or lists about what they are thankful for.  The turkeys were not the only thing to get stuffed as families and friends got together to enjoy meals, football games, and a day off from work for those who lucky enough to be off.  There were those who were looking forward to Black Friday so they could get a head start on their Christmas shopping.

If you stop and think about it, there were so many people who for one reason or another were not able to celebrate with family and friends.  Some, like my son, had to work on Thanksgiving Day.  Others may be homeless, sick, in nursing homes and hospitals, mourning the loss of loved ones, or in the military serving our country far from home.

I am thankful and appreciative of all that I have.  First and foremost, I am so thankful for Jesus Christ being a part of my life and loving me enough that He suffered on the cross for me.  Even though this great country I live in isn't perfect, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else!  I have so many freedoms that are not allowed in other countries, such as freedom of speech and religion, and not being treated as property because I'm female.  My husband loves me despite my many flaws, my kids are great, and I have an absolutely gorgeous grandson.

As we leave Thanksgiving behind, and look forward to the Christmas season, remember all that you have in your life that you are thankful for.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Miracle of Birth...

Just 16 days ago I became a grandmother for the very first time to one of God's precious angels.  My daughter gave me the greatest of honors by asking me to be in the delivery room with her and her husband during Gunner's delivery.  Even though I have two children of my own, I was too busy trying to push to pay any attention to their actual delivery; therefore, my grandson's birth was the first I had witnessed.  I will be forever grateful to my daughter and son-in-law for sharing such an intimate moment with me.

It is hard to put into words how miraculous the creation of life truly is.  My daughter and I agreed that it's mind-boggling how another human being could develop in and come forth from a woman's body.  I have always treasured the experience of giving birth to my son and daughter; even after 30 years I still remember everything from my pregnancy, from the joy of knowing I was going to be a mother to the pain of my son's delivery.  I wouldn't change one iota of anything.  But becoming a grandparent is an entirely different experience and I love it.

It is my belief that children are a gift from God, and as such it is our duty to protect them and love them to the best of our ability.  They should be raised in the ways of the Lord, to respect others, and to have self-esteem. They are definitely NOT to be abused sexually or physically.  It absolutely angers me to no end that some insane person would harm an innocent baby, child, elderly person, or a handicapped person.  But that's a whole different subject.

Gunner will be raised with more love than he will know what to do with.  He will also grow up knowing that Jesus is Lord, that he was wanted very much, and that he has a family that will be there for him through thick and thin.  I look forward to watching him grow up and knowing that I was literally there from the first second!